Massage that incorporates a plethora of modalities to maximize benefits and deep relaxation. Warming the tissue using long therapeutic strokes allows for the muscles to soften and invite in deeper work. Using touch that encourages relaxation first to help the nervous system down regulate. Checking in on pressure and comfort so the body does not encounter stress and only healing.

    I often incorporate deep tissue massage if the client enjoys a more firm pressure. This targets muscle tension that is deeper beneath the surface. In order to use deeper pressure I use a variety of modalities to ensure the muscles are properly warmed up and ready to receive deeper work. I work intuitively to sense how the body is responding to the pressure and will check in with you to make sure you are comfortable and able to relax with the deeper pressure.


    I am trained and certified as a full body Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique (SMRT) therapist. SMRT is a positional release modality easily integrated into any type of massage. It is a subtle and gentle approach to find homeostasis and balance within the body. During SMRT I will move the body into different positions of ease. For example, when testing the movement of the scapula, if I notice the scapula moves more freely upward rather than downward, I will move it up where it wants to move and hold it there for 30-45 seconds. This gives the body time to recalibrate and ultimately move with more ease. SMRT encourages tissue to softer and often allows the body to accept deeper work.


    The body goes through many changes physically as the body prepares for motherhood. New aches and pains can be alleviated through extra care like massage. I can provide either side lying massage therapy or I have a massage pillow that allows for the mother to lay face down if they prefer.

    Following birth, I can see you as soon as the next day, as long as the doctor has given you a thumbs up. The physical toll on the body can be enormous when bringing a child earth side. New pains can emerge as the body shifts, once again, and as relaxin begins to dissipate in the body. You are finding yourself in new positions to feed and to be sure not to wake your sleeping baby. Taking time for yourself when becoming a mother is so important, you will thank yourself for taking time to tend to your body.


    Manual lymphatic drainage was created in the 1930’s by Emil & Estrid Vodder. This technique is very different than what you may know as massage. As the practitioner I hold my hand in a specific grip to stretch the skin. It is slow and methodical. This helps open up the lymphatic capillaries and allows for fluid to move. MLD activates the lymphatic system to assist lymph flow and aid in the drainage in tissues. This technique is great for reducing congestion, stagnation and inflammation. This is beneficial for somebody experiencing lymphedema, post surgery (cosmetic or medical) or wanting to support their immune function. Can help with lower leg edema, plastic surgery, joint replacement, surgeries and bringing down inflammation from injury. Contraindications: congestive heart failure, kidney failure, active blood clots, infection and bleeding.


    Thai massage stands as a unique form of therapeutic touch, setting it apart from conventional massages. Rather than the familiar massage table, the experience unfolds on a comfortable mat laid out on the floor. Here, the practitioner employs specific techniques to move the client around using massage and stretching to blood flow and enhance flexibility. Rooted in the rich tradition of Thai medicine, it offers an approach to holistic well-being.


    Craniosacral massage is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that focuses on the subtle movements and rhythms of the craniosacral system. Using light touch and precise manipulation techniques, this therapy aims to restore balance and alleviate tension within the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. By promoting relaxation and releasing restrictions, craniosacral massage supports the body's self-healing abilities, offering relief from conditions such as headaches, chronic pain, stress, and postural imbalances. This specialized massage technique can be seamlessly integrated into a regular massage session, providing a holistic approach that addresses both physical and nervous system well-being.


    Scar tissue occurs when tissue is damaged. This could happen superficially or may be deeper and not visible to the eye. Scar tissue can be created through an accident, lifting weights, surgery to repair bone or tissue, cesarean birth, joint replacement, surgery to remove tissue or tumors, radiation treatments and more. Scar tissue is thickening of the connective tissues. The damaged tissue can create fascial pulls, compensation patterns and can restrict lymphatic flow. By releasing the tissue it can help for the area to move more freely and receive more blood flow to encourage healing. Feel free to ask for me to spend some time during our sessions to work on any scar.


    Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing created by a man named Mikao Usi in the early 1900s. It is not associated with any particular religion but acknowledges the energy flow of the chakra system. To begin a session, I cleanse the space, myself and the client by using palo santo and guide you through some deep breaths. I will use a singing bowl to open and close our session. Then I either lay or hover my hands over the clients chakra and I receive information whether the chakra feels balanced or open/closed. It takes about 20 minutes in total to go through each one. I will help share ways to help open up the chakra and how to make a more cohesive flow through the body’s chakra system to maximize functionality!


    Who doesn’t loved having their face massaged? Add on an additional 30 minutes to focus on the face and scalp. Facial massage focuses on lymphatic drainage, facial cupping, sculpting and releasing facial tension. Bringing in extra circulation can help you leave feeling more relaxed and looking brighter. We use hot towels, jojoba oil and aromatherapy.